Student Athlete Huddles

A certified small group bible study/devotion for coaches and athletes.

Our Huddle Locations

Area Schools and Huddle Info

Admiral Byrd MS
Aylor MS
Clarke County HS Tuesdays, 7:30am, Library Ted Schulhof/Samantha Pigott
Daniel Morgan MS
Fredrick County MS
James Wood HS Fridays, 7:30am, Aux Gym Joey Yurish/Todd Wilson
James Wood MS Wednesdays, 2:50, Room 124 Helen Lawyer
John Handley HS Thursdays, 7:50am, Weight Room Lloyd Phillips
Johnson-Williams MS Fridays, 7:30am Janine Davis Emmaus Church
Millbrook HS Fridays, 7:15am; Rm. 717 Josh Haymore
Sherando HS Thursdays, 7:15am; Rm. 517 Zachary Lahart/Seth Wade
Skyline HS
Skyline MS
Warren County HS
Warren County MS
If a school is not listed, or if a listed school does not have any information, those schools do not have an official FCA presence at this time.  Do you know a teacher, coach, or student who might be interested in helping to start a huddle?  Use the contact us section of the site to help us make new connections with you and those you know.  Above all, pray for a huddle presence at every local school and for churches to partner with every school ministry.   

Are you ready to get in the game?

We're offering you that challenge. Today's world needs game-changers. The type that boldly get off the sideline and into the game. We believe you are an influencer on your team, at your school, and in your community. So what exactly does that look like? How can you be a game-changer by growing in your faith and helping others do the same? Let's find out.

Huddle Up!

What is a Campus Huddle? Huddles are regularly scheduled gatherings on campus that meet for the purpose of training, equipping and growing athletes and coaches in their faith to further impact the world around them.

FCA Huddles are ongoing and meet throughout the country. Huddles are open to anyone who wants to become involved or plug in to a local group of Christ followers with similar interests.

If you are looking for information about starting a huddle at your school or finding out information about an existing huddle, go to the contact us page.  
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